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When you run Auditum without providing any configuration options, it will use the default settings. This is fine for quick testing, but you may need to harden the configuration for production use.

Auditum can be configured using environment variables and a configuration file.

Configuration File

You can find the default configuration file in the repository. All configuration options are documented in the file. To customize the configuration, you can create a copy of the file and modify it as needed.

To supply a configuration file to Auditum, use the --config flag:

auditum --config /path/to/config.yaml

Environment Variables

Configuration can also be set via environment variables. Environment variables are prefixed with AUDITUM_ and use configuration keys separated by underscores. For example, to change log.format to text, set the environment variable in the following form:

export AUDITUM_log_format=text

Next Steps

Follow the Deployment to learn how to manage audit logs with Auditum.